
22 January 2012

A Tale of Two Cities

Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is my favourite of the books we had to read in high school. I drew a fair bit from it at the time, but who knows where those drawings are now . . . they're probably not worth sharing, anyway. BBC Radio 4 recently ran a new radio dramatisation of the story which inspired me to try my professional hand at the subject matter. Unfortunately I was short on time so didn't do due diligence in researching the costumes, but it was a bit of fun anyway.

Madame Defarge was not supposed to be a self-portrait, but she started coming out that way and eventually I gave up fighting it. Halloween 2012!

15 January 2012

San Fran Sketches, Part 3

Any visit to San Francisco is incomplete without visiting the Maritime Museum.

08 January 2012

San Fran Sketches, Part 2

More sketches from Christmas vacation . . .

We took a walk down Crissy Fields to the pier at Fort Point, where there is a very friendly pelican. I picked up a marble-like jelly from the beach.

The 'aged' pages of my new sketchbook make my drawings look so much more legitimate!

01 January 2012

San Fran Sketches, Part 1

I've fallen off the updating wagon, it seems – I've been working too much to draw anything on the side, and have run out of unpublished artwork. But I spent Christmas in San Francisco and did a bit of sketching, so let's see how far I can stretch that out ... Today's edition: People!