
06 December 2014

Cabin Pressure: Douz

"... With a little bit of all your money."
"I don’t
have any money."

Someone had the brilliant idea of listening to one episode of Cabin Pressure for each day leading up to the final two episodes, and I vowed to do a drawing per episode ... we'll see how that goes. I'm posting them as I do them on my Tumblr; they will trickle onto here in the coming weeks.

14 September 2014

On Display at the Tate Modern

Can't resist some good crowd sketching, even (especially) when I'm supposed to be doing something else.

31 August 2014

Radio(ish) Audience

These beautiful people all turned out to see (see) a test-run of a new radio show. It probably helped that it was written and, in part, performed by John Finnemore.

24 August 2014

About Town

I've moved to the UK, and have not taken nearly enough opportunities to sketch the beautiful and varied places in which I've found myself.  Didn't miss out on this one, though.

17 August 2014

Sarah Slean and My "Frozen"

Sarah Slean’s “Society Song” is my “Let it Go.”

The full story behind this is on my more talky blog, or you could just watch the music video and enjoy it unencumbered by my baggage. (I recommend listening to it before watching it the first time, as the visuals impose a narrative on the abstract lyrics, but it is a great video.)

10 August 2014

DIY Life Drawing

A very keen young animator in London, frustrated with the lack of drop-in animation-friendly life drawing on offer, has set up a life drawing club – the price for 3+ hours good solid gesture drawing is taking your turn to go up and pose (clothed).

15 June 2014

Seagull vs Starfish

It’s not a complete BC Ferries experience until you’ve seen a seagull trying to eat a starfish.

08 June 2014

Blackadder Goes Forth

My Blackadder Goes Forth marathon has coincided with the reintroduction of the doodle pad to my desk as a necessary sanity saver. As I plan to do some acting studies off it when I have time to breathe again, and don’t want to be struggling with design when I should be concentrating on poses and expressions, I need a shorthand for the characters, so whenever I glance over I jot down an observation, and am inching toward understanding.

05 June 2014


A thrush that sings varied melodious songs on warm summer nights … in Europe, the nightingale; in North America, the mockingbird.  One gets romantic odes, fairy tales, nostalgic songs, and instrumental duets broadcast on the radio; the other gets cursed for making a racket at two in the morning.  What gives? Is it the name? Beautiful birdsong in the middle of the night is a gift, and you only get it a few months of the year. Try to think of your mockingbird as a nightingale and see what a difference it makes.