
04 December 2006

The Scapegoat

Sometimes it's beneficial to attempt a caricature from memory, thereby getting a more accurate impression of the character rather than relying on specific details. I was resuming my long-abandoned attempt to caricature Billy Boyd as Pippin for a friend's Christmas present (I'm pretty sure she doesn't read this blog so I think I'm safe in saying that) and noticed he has roughly the same eye shape as Lee Ingleby, so I doodled this little Hollom on the way home from my sister's. A distance of a year or more from the last time I watched Master & Commnader (?!!?!!!?!???) seems to have benefited me in this regard.


kelipipo said...

Stunning stuff, your blog is. (I arrived via capgrads I think?)
Love this! I adore Master and Commander... and I can never find enough people who do.

Tealin said...

Thanks! I'm amazed this blog is linked anywhere at all, maybe I should update it more often ... heh ...

I've got a lot more M&C art here if you have time to kill.

kelipipo said...

Pullings and Mowett at a carnival. <3