
01 April 2008


Wow, it's been a long time since I touched this thing ... many apologies. More will be coming as soon as I can get a chance to work on that daft crossover gag thingummy I've got in my head, but that probably won't be until later this month at the earliest.

Anyway, I hear there's a bit of a Wolf Man Challenge going around right now, so here's my two cents:


William Bradford said...

Aroooo indeed.

Looks to be a bit of Mandrill inspiration in the face...

Tealin said...

Umm... that was supposed to be wrinkles caused by the snarl. Mandrills are just like that all time time (ans also blue, methinks). I confess to not researching what nose snarl wrinkles look like.

Sean Covernton said...

nuts to research!

Courtney Pearson said...

Hee hee! Awesome! ^_^

William Bradford said...

Fair enough.

Still very cool.

Meg Shaw said...


ummmm...nice drawing....put up more please.